Naturopathic Therapy
Naturopathy takes a holistic approach to wellness and supports a person to live a healthy lifestyle using natural medicine. The foundations of naturopathy are based on the importance of a healthy diet, clean fresh water, sunlight, exercise and stress management.
Naturopathy aims to educate the person to look after their own health and the health of their family, minimising symptoms of any illness, supporting the body’s capacity to heal, and balancing the body so that illness is less likely to occur in the future.
Lynda Harding is our resident Naturopath and is a former nurse, having 15 years of naturopathic clinical experience. She has a number of therapies to support you; which includes clinical nutrition, diet and lifestyle support and herbal medicine. Lynda also gives wonderful reiki treatments to assist you in stress management.
Her particular interests are children's health, digestive complaints, menopausal and thyroid issues.
Learn more about Lynda here.
We are committed to providing you with the best care possible with these appointment options.
Initial Consult
This services is great to help you work out your needs and requirements moving forward.
Follow up Consult
This is to assist you in staying on track and discussing how treatment plans are presenting, or making any adjustments if required.
Online Consult
This service is great if you are unable to come and see Lynda in person and can be very useful if travelling.